Timi Dakolo & Mr Eazi join campaign to help you quit smoking
Appointed alongside Fallyhamu as ambassadors of Tobacco-free Nigeria project
Appointed alongside Fallyhamu as ambassadors of Tobacco-free Nigeria project
You know how some artists, creatives, workers generally and maybe even you, smoke either as a past time or as a way to destress? Timi and Eazi are not the type. Yeah they are cool like that. As role models for the youths, smoking and non-smoking beautiful people of Nigeria, Timi Dakolo and Mr Eazi have been charged with the task to get people to beget a habit of seeking good health and a clean environment by quitting Tobacco in-take.
Announcement: @timidakolo x @mreazi x @Fallyhamu appointed goodwill ambassadors for @tobaccofreeng campaign & champions for NCDs in Nigeria pic.twitter.com/QjuqCGZ5M5
— Federal Ministry of Health, NIGERIA (@Fmohnigeria) June 13, 2017
They have been newly appointed alongside Fallyhamu as ‘goodwill ambassadors’ for the Tobacco-free Nigeria campaign and champions for the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Control agenda.
N.C.D’s like cardiovascular disease, diabetes meillitus, cancer and chronic lung disease are becoming increasingly significant causes of disability and premature death. Globally, NCDs, primarily cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes are responsible for about 63 per cent of all deaths. Though, in Nigeria, CVD (such as hypertension, coronary heart diseases and stroke) is the leading non-communicable disease, next to cancer, diabetes mellitus, sickle cell disease and a host of others.
We’ll see the concerted efforts to be made by Timi, Eazi and Fallyhamu to help you quit smoking. So make life easier by doing just that.
Feature Image Credit: Instagram/Mr Eazi