How 2face almost removed himself from an industry he helped build

How 2face almost removed himself from an industry he helped build

First he went from Grass to Grace, then he became Unstoppable

Of rhymes and melody: Breaking down the art of Tay Iwar’s poetry

Of rhymes and melody: Breaking down the art of Tay Iwar’s poetry

Relive the finer points of Tay Iwar’s

Saving the ‘New Age’ from The Sins of its Predecessors

Saving the ‘New Age’ from The Sins of its Predecessors

If the young must grow, the young must put in

Sess Beats just dropped a surprise instrumental EP

Sess Beats just dropped a surprise instrumental EP

Sess Beats is definitely a

4 Things You Missed At The First NATIVELAND Festival

4 Things You Missed At The First NATIVELAND Festival

The moments everyone was talking

Nigerian Pop Music Is Shallow, And That’s Just How You Like It

Nigerian Pop Music Is Shallow, And That’s Just How You Like It

Pop music and what the future holds for it.

2004: The Beginning of a Revolution

2004: The Beginning of a Revolution

2004 was the watershed moment in Nigerian