Olakira releases two new singles, “Flirty Signal” and “Hey Lover”

A pro-consent plea for affection

Part of the joy of Afropop is it’s emotive approach to dancehall music. Afropop stars have never been afraid to explore the heartfelt part that most dance genres would rather do without. Like most of the best Afropop songs, Olakira’s new singles “Flirty Signal” and “Hey Lover” venture into the romantic corners, drawing on the carefree joy of partying, loud music and basically any of the stuff you might have cross your mind if you’ve gone clubbing with your crush.


“First Signal” is set to a baseline that mimics the rhythm of a heartbeat as if to mirror Olakira’s heart beating for the subject of his affection on the Afropop number. Though he’s confident he can do whatever it takes to win her affection, the song is delivered as a plea for consent before taking the–often short–relationship on a dancefloor to the next level. “Hey Lover” is more sober. The sweeping atmospheric beat Simba Tag produces with synths, vocal samples and percussion sets the pace for Olakira’s frank approach to a love interest’s heart; “No Dey Ask Me JAMB Question/ Girl I Don Dey Love You Tey, Tey/ This Loving No Be Play Play”. The cherry chorus reanimates pleasant moments of relationships despite the strained mood perceived through Olakira’s somber vocals and moody harmonies.

Listen to “First Signal” and “Hey Lover” below.


Featured Image Credits: Instagram/iamolakira

You are meeting Debola at a strange time in his life. He wandered into a dream and lost his way back. Tweet at him @debola_abimbolu

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