WafflesNCream partied with Surf Ghana in Elle Lokko and it was rad

Waffles'N'Cream bringing skate to Africa

The passion they say runs deep like the ocean, it flows, and it grows. On the issue of travelling creatively as well as physically, WafflesNCream, the first skate and surf collective in Nigeria paid a visit to the Gold coast, to skate in the streets, sell some of their creatively crafted merchandise as well as make connections and network with other like minds like themselves, especially Surf Ghana their sister collective (Surf Ghana is also the first skating and surfing collective in Ghana).

There is an entrepreneurial wave sweeping through the world right now and Africa as no plans to be left out this time. A good number of shows of festivals that have been celebrated in the past few months are enough to let us know that Africa is expanding creatively from the inside out and soon there will be an outflow that will cover the streets and change the way outsiders look at Africa forever. Good examples are these collectives and creative groups springing up from the ground and developing exponentially to do great creatively crafted exploits.

What happens in Lokko stays in Lokko but I care to share a few, there were drinks, music, fun WafflesNCream skateboards and merch and loud chatter. It smelt like teen spirit and happiness pressed down and shaken together.


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ICYMI: Surf Ghana brought surf and skate to the Gold Coast
